Thursday 21 August 2008

Inforama 2008 Day 1

On the first day of this competition, we’re really busy preparing the thing that we need 2 bring, n preparing the thing 2 decorate our booth. It was really what we call “last minute preparation”, because we’re still typing n printing for our booth n we even do the cutting n decorating on our way 2 Lumut in the van. Even worst that we’re spraying the manila card in the van, be-bau jua tuu… n when we buka the tabuk of the van untuk menghilangkan bau, habis tebuka tudung si Zirah.

When we arrive at the school, we really impressed with the school landscape n environment, it is nothing but ‘wow….’ N Zirah also said that, “macam sekulah ku duluu…” Then we need 2 usai2 the booth, by pasting whatever that were decorate n print n cut n spray in the van. After that, the peoples start 2 come 2 drop by our booth, n we start 2 speak like a salesman advertising their stuff. This happens continuously. Suddenly, the guest of honor, visit our booth. Then we just, speak whatever it is that related 2 our project. It is glad 2 hear the good response frm her.

Some people that come 2 our booth, minta ajar how 2 use the Photoshop, some minta Photoshop CS3 installer, some minta gambar that we edit, n some kn melihat si Ira n Zirah, haha…. telampau chantique bah ia atu, haha. We really have a good time btw.We also visit every booth that joins the competition, n si Ira jahat-wah, she said that “mcm boring2 saja booth diorang ani”. We don’t xpect that our booth mendapat sambutan yg mengalakkan, until we perasan 2 win dis competition. We make 5 copy of our leaflet, n we don’t xpct that it would run out that soon. Many people also want our websites n email, so we have 2 write down our email n websites balik2.

When it’s about time 2 balik, we pack up our thing n we balik haha. On the way balik, we eat ayam KFC tchr Fina belanja (thank u tchr, haha…) in the van. The first one 2 eat it is Zirah, haha, just like xpected. It was fun in the van, we cerita2, we be-cali, n we bully si Zirah.

Inforama 2008 / ICT Camp Carnival

This event takes place in Sekolah Menengah PAP Rashidah Lumut (in Belait), on the last 11 n 12 of August. It was quite fun. We’re showing our ICT skills booth. There are 2 teams frm MD, the first team is the team of Rahimi n Mahmud, n the second team is our group consists of Amirul, Sahmin(ICT club vice president), Hazirah(ICT club president) n Ira.

Basically every group that joins this competition is given a small booth 2 show off their project or their ICT skills in education. Our team is doing the Photoshop project, showing the edited pictures, background, layout n many more. We do dis project because 2 show our skills in this thing n 2 show our work. U can c our work in the ICT Lab 2, at the back. The pictures that we’re showing are from our personal collection n some is specially made 4 dis competition. The team of Rahimi n Mahmud, is doing the video/movie making thing, not really sure what they do.

Monday 18 August 2008

Saturday 8/16/08 Meeting

The meeting last Saturday is all abt the announcement of the ICT Day. The date haven't decided yet, but just prepared 4 it. Another thing is the president, Hazirah, was teaching the ICT Club members on how 2 use the Photoshop. If u want 2 have a look at the rest of the picture, just click at the picture (left).

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