Wednesday 29 October 2008


Let's see..ummm...our next step is working on the ICT CLUB WORKSHOP which will be held next Saturday 8th November 2008 at 2:15 onwards..

Lots of interesting stuff we are going to do.. so don't hesitate to come okay?

1. we are going to introduce you to our own "ICT CLUB WEBSITE"

2. Basic photoshop skills

3. ICT outing on December

->to all members and AJK please do come. ITS COMPULSORY

Sunday 26 October 2008

Raya and Teacher's Day Celebration

President, Vice-President, Moderator and a member..hehe

berkat senyuman vice-president..haha

Visit to ICC

18th November was on Saturday, so we had a trip to ICC( International Convention Centre)..

Meeting at Coffee Bean

We discussed something about advance raodtrip. Not confirmed yet. so we decided to have a trip to Berakas Forest Reserves and maybe conduct some fun activities there. But, we're going to need some collection money from the members and the AJK also..hehe..

Saturday 11 October 2008


For the AJK ONLY!

date: 17th October 2008 (Friday)
time: 2.30pm
venue: Coffee Bean, Gadong

Thursday 9 October 2008

Computing Help Part 2

Picking up were you left off

Microsoft Word "remembers" the last place in a document that you were working before closing it. To return to that place when you re-open a document, press Shift+F5. Word will jump directly to the last location where you were so that you can pick up from where you left off.

Computing Help Part 1

Getting Compatible with Office 2007

Need your older versions of Microsoft Word and other Office applications to be compatible with Office 2007? Download the free "Office compatibility pack" from With the compatibility pack, you can open and edit Office 2007 documents without owning the latest version of Office.


how was your raya? tell us something good, hope you had the best raya ever~

The ICT CLUB would like to say, welcome back to school and selamat hari raya people~

Anyway, the ICT CLUB never forget our plans, the big plan. The ICT CLUB will be involved in the MDPMAMB's 30th Anniversary under the ICT Department. So we're going to have a workshop or a meeting this Thursday, 16th October 2008, maybe during the breaktime at the usual place. More further update will be posted ASAP, tq.