Monday 22 December 2008

having fun at Berakas Forest Reserves

date : 21st dec 2008
location : Berakas Forest Reserves
Time : 7am till 3pm

as we promised you guys we did our picnic and we did have some fun. everything went well but our programme on face painting was cancelled because the Secretary forgot to bring it, but we manange to handle everything! yay!!

hehe..anyhoots, first thing in the morning we filled up the 120 balloons and Sahmin and midi were playing around..haha..sampai lain lain ulah durg~ ehem!

then we gather round explain things and we did ice breaking lead by YDP Hakim. next every group performed something for everuone and introduce just to get acquaint.

then we teacher fina announced the winner of the presentation
1. blue team
2. green team
3. yellow team

after that it was almost 1030, so we had our early lunch..hehe..then when everyone is kanyang and happy kmi main balloon! we were all WET cuz we were throwing balloons at each other and it was exciting! LOL

then we had to sing "father Ibrahim' songs ramai-ramai in a circle basah2 n also dancing and clapping the "we are wet by balloon" song..! it was all worth it

then we went down to the beach built sand castle from each team. it took around minutes to finish. then we went back up to change and EAT again and lepak ceta ceta..then sudah KANYANG AND HAPPY we went home safely..

to all the members who came we would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US AND HAVING LOTS OF FUN! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR

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