Saturday 14 February 2009

Would You Watch TV on Your Contact Lenses?

Cue the creepy futuristic music: Some British consultants are claiming that the future of television is in contact lenses.

The idea is that television technology would shrink till it was the size of a standard contact, which would then be powered by body heat. You could change channels with motion or voice commands, and the people around you wouldn't be able to tell what you were watching.

Their argument is that the technology would make TV feel more immediate and interactive — you'd practically be in the show. On the other hand, um, my parents always told me to sit further away from the TV! And I'd think this would make it very hard to have a Super Bowl party or watch a movie with friends.

If such a thing does become possible, would you ever want to watch TV via contact lenses?

cool right?? now we can wear this contact lenses during boring classes!! haha..kidding!

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