Wednesday 18 March 2009

Focus Object Tutorial

focus object:
the main objective here is, we will make the image to focus on something/someone and make the others blur.

-copy/duplicate the 'background' layer (you can see the layer in your bottom right hand side of the screen) by using the shortcut key CTRL+J.
-there will be a new layer formed; 'background copy'.
-then click on the 'background copy' and make the layer invisible by clicking the eye beside it.
-next, click on the 'background' layer.
-make the 'background' layer blur; go to filter>blur>gaussian blur>chose any radius until you satisfy.
-after that, click on the 'background copy' layer and make it visible again by making the eye appear again.
-after you done that, choose Eraser; shortcut key is E.
-then go up and you will see 'brush', click on it and choose the brush with '200' which is the blur brush.
-finally erase the part in the picture we didnt want to focus. ERASE THE AREA WHERE YOU DO NOT WANT TO FOCUS!
-after you finish with everything, emerge all layer into one; click CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.
-now you will have a new layer call, layer 1.
-guess what, you finished with the focus object tutorial.
-you can save the image if you want because we already done with what we wanted.

extreme contrast:
for those who still want to continue, you can click here for the next step. we gonna mix the tutorial before, the focus object with extreme contrast. or you can also skip this tutorial and go to the next step which is the 'soft glow effect'.

soft glow effect:
finally the final step, we gonna make the image to produce a little soft glow on it. Click here for the 'soft glow' effects tutorial.

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